In order to protect our users and keep secure, we sometimes ask freelancers and clients to provide proof of identity. This is in compliance with the Ureed Terms of Service. To verify your identity, we may require you to present one or all of the following:
● Government ID
● Government ID and Residency Verification
● Video Verification
Why could we ask you to verify your identity?
● To confirm your eligibility for location-specific jobs
● To determine whether you are the rightful owner of an account
● To restore your account
● For any other reasons left to our discretion so as to maintain the legitimacy and credibility of our platform.
If you’re unable to verify your identity
Any unsuccessful attempt to verify your identity will lead to an automatic suspension from This means that all your pitches will be nullified, fund withdrawals will be disapproved, contracts will be cancelled and refunds will be made to your clients.
If you present any falsified documents, we will permanently suspend your account and report you to the relevant authorities. When uploading documents, we discourage our users against rotating, cropping or altering images in any way that may compromise the integrity of the documents.
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